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Payment and security

 In principle, we do not undertake to store card numbers beyond what is necessary to ensure efficient handling of any debit, cancellation and credit issues.

To make it easier to shop with us next time, when you pay at checkout, you can choose to store your card information securely with us. It is important that you log out of your customer account once you have completed the transaction.
You are responsible for not sharing your username and password with others.
In order to make the payment, we will forward your information to our payment provider Shopify Payments. They store the information in a safe and secure manner and are PCI Level 1 certified. 


Shopify Payments accepts the most common payment cards VISA, MasterCard, AmericanExpress as well as Apple Pay, Google Pay and last but not least Klarna.

Enter your card number and card expiry date, as well as the card's CVV2/CVC code. The money will be deducted directly from your account when you authorise the transaction. All transaction information is sent via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and is encrypted, i.e. very secure. If you have any problems with the payment, please contact VortexVR customer service.

You can also pay via PayPal which is a global secure payment solution.